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How Smart is Your Solar System?

By 03/09/2020October 11th, 2023No Comments

Many solar investors in Australia have absolutely no idea if their rooftop solar is doing what it should be in terms of savings simply because they do not have useful solar monitoring.

For most, they have been told that the app you can load to your phone linked to an inverter tells you in real time the health and performance of the system. BING BONG, no it does not. See, the link in the solar inverter, and so overly promoted by solar sales companies, provides rudimentary data. Furthermore, it is up to you, the owner to identify if a solar problem exists. For many solar owners, the first time they know that the solar is performing badly is when they see their bill, Ooops problem.

You then call the installer or solar sales company and they casually get around to fixing the problem (best case) or simply ignore you. What is the chance they will pay you for your loss? Absolutely no chance whatsoever because there is no contractual right to do so. However, for the price of enjoying a great cup of coffee in your favourite coffee house you can turn your solar system into a super smart and highly efficient system backed by solar monitoring.

When you install a new solar system, the savings identified can be guaranteed. That is correct “GUARANTEED”.

The reason installers and sales companies do not provide the guarantee is because it places significant onus on the installation expertise. Furthermore, the system needs to be correctly monitored for immediate rectification. Therefore, they would rather not take on the responsibility.

To make your existing system smart does not mean you need to pull it down. It is as simple as a review of the system, tune up service if required, and the installation of third-party Solar Analytics.

The IQ of your solar system can be upped, and performance improved at the price of a good coffee.

Talk to iDeal Solar and we would be delighted to help you get the best from solar with our good friends Solar Analytics

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